Friday, December 5, 2008

Introduction to my Pathway

This is the beginning of my journey of financial freedom. I got this idea from a friend (Joe England) who got it from Dave Ramsey. I am going to try and update my blog weekly to give an update of where I am.

The first goal is to get a $1000 fund into my savings account. In order to get out of debt, you need an emergency fund so that if you need to fix something on your car or in your house, you're not going right back into debt for it.

I am finishing school on the 18th of December. At that time I will get a tuition reimbursement from my company. That will go right into my savings account for my $1000 emergency fund and I will begin paying off my debts.

After that, I will need to work out my money situation in every little area to save as much money as possible.

1 comment:

Kallamazoo said...

Dave Ramsey, huh? A friend of mine gave me some CDs of his to listen to. Worth it?